Tender Notification

This has reference to addendum uploaded on the company website vide letter no. WCCL3-OPR-1-2019-631 dated 31.12.2019 and for hiring National Dealer for the supply of the following items for year 2020. In this regard, we would like to inform all the prospective bidders that the last date for submission of tender documents are as follows:

SN. Name of tender Last date of submission Opening date & time
1 Tender document for Rubber Wood 12th January, 2020 on or before 3.00PM 12th January, 2020 3.30 PM
2 Tender document for supply of Upholstery Items 13th January, 2020on or before 3.00PM 13th January, 2020 3.30 PM
3 Tender document for supply of Hardware Items 14th January, 2020 on or before 3.00PM 14th January, 2020 3.30 PM

All the prospective bidders are requested to note the above. However, all other terms and conditions shall be as per the bidding documents. Detail bidding documents can be downloaded from our website: www.wccl.bt

For any inquiry, please contact Procurement Section (Tel-77335500).